May 12, 2005

A picture named schlafly, phyllis1.jpg

She appeared on Inside Politics to talk about the upcoming festive, hootenanny of a night for Tom Delay.

She got off to a fast and furious start: (She seems to like the "hysterical libreral" line.)

Schlafly:... And I think it's pretty obvious that the paranoid, hysterical liberals who failed to destroy George Bush last year have selected Tom DeLay as their target this year.

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Schlafly: We praise him for that. I think one of the main reasons the hysterical liberals are going after him is that he has spoken out about the out of control activist judges.

Those poor moderate republicans are in her sights too.

Schlafly: ... But clearly if you look at the way the Republican platform has been adopted, the RHINOS, the Republicans in name only, are diminishing. They are not able to get their planks in the Republican platform.

The Houston Chronicle covers the night of Delay: Right wing throws a wingding for DeLay

The Carpetbagger notes: The important thing is who wasn’t at DeLay’s event

The important thing to remember, however, is that while hundreds of right-wing activists may have cheered for DeLay, those who matter most were no where to be on

DeLay surely had a wonderful time last night, but if he sees yesterday’s bash as a sign that he’s in the clear, he’s even more misguided than I thought.

Think Progress notes more party favorites showed up: Jeff Gannon Attends DeLay Tribute

"You know things are getting pretty bad for DeLay when Gannon is part of his effort to shore up political support."

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