July 28, 2005

A picture named byrdschanged1.jpg

(hat tip to The Political Teen for the video)
Here's the ad that is running in WV.

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Kos has an article: Roll Call carries GOP's water: "turns out Roll Call writer Lauren Whittington got the story from the GOP with the ground rule that she not call anyone else for the story. In a news media that has fallen mightily, this is just one more gross failure of established journalistic process (time for another blogger ethics conference?)."

Duncan says: "It looks like Republicans have learned a new trick in the media. If you give exclusive stories to journalists with the condition that no Democrats are to be allowed to comment on the story, journalists think that's a perfectly acceptable thing to do. Not only that, but they won't even bother to do any additional research for the story."

John Cole talks about the race in WV.

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