Bill's new track is to veer away from the left wing smear sites (as he calls them) and go after the NY Times because he feels that the heat will be turned up on them and the new talking points have been delivered. He's playing the issue of the warrantless searches pretty mildly because he knows that it's possible the Bush administration will go down big on this one.
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He threatened Rich and Keller tonight on his show during this exchange.(transcript NewsHounds)
JUAN WILLIAMS: I was listening to your Talking Points and there you are, threatening Bill Keller and Frank Rich and I thought: What are you gonna do to them if they engage in the politics of personal attack against the President?
O'REILLY: It's a good question, Juan, and I don't see it as a threat. I mean, I think you have to say to people, as we do with all our guests here, this is what's likely to happen and, if they continue - those people continue - to attack people personally as Frank Rich does almost every week and Keller allows it, then we'll just have to get into their lives.
Mary Ann Marsh just laughed meekly at Bill's threats and then finally made a good point or two, but she wilted like all weak-kneed democrats do on FOX after O'Reilly cracked at the seams on this one. What is he going to do, send some of his fictitious body guards to Rich's house or log-in to the NSA and listen to a few calls? Juan made some good points afterwards, but Bill definitely fired an idiotic salvo at the Times. This is the talking point that will be consuming Bush apologists from now until we find out how far the eavesdropping affair actually went. I wonder how Bill treated Clinton back in '98?