Lassiter Space: Thanks to the BBC, this Jersey blogger had a chance to chat on the air with the Danish Imam who's at the heart of this cartoon controv
February 9, 2006

Lassiter Space: Thanks to the BBC, this Jersey blogger had a chance to chat on the air with the Danish Imam who's at the heart of this cartoon controversy and the deputy editor of France Soir.

Sans-culotte: G-Dub and them is fixin' to smite more evildoers. They ain't worth a sh*t at actually doin' war, but they shore do like 'em!

Brad DeLong's Semi-Daily Journal: Stupidest Man Alive--Special "Truthiness" Edition
(hat tip to )

Petrelis Files: No need to page George Orwell, this Pentagon 'news' story epitomizes the "war is peace, slavery is freedom" perversion of language that BUSHCO loves so well

Morning Martini: A new blog from an old friend...

FAIR: a cornerstone of the media reform movement, celebrates it's twentieth anniversary


Petrelis Files: No need to page George Orwell, this Pentagon 'news' story epitomizes the "war is peace, slavery is freedom" perversion of language that BUSHCO loves so well

Morning Martini: A new blog from an old friend...

FAIR: a cornerstone of the media reform movement, celebrates it's twentieth anniversary

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