Keith Olbermann examined the outcry over the Dubai deal. Our resident pool boy-Jim VandeHei showed up to give Bush some much needed support. Craig Crawford also came on to lend a hand.
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VANDEHEI: I thought he was a lot more animated on the plane. He really seemed fired up and sort of ready and willing to have this fight. You know, he's let it go on for the last couple of days, and he's gotten a lot of pressure from Republicans and Democrats to come out and to defend why he's doing this deal. ---- I think he really takes this as a personal affront, you know, having Republicans challenges his commitment to terrorism. Love him or hate him, this guy has been very passionate about fighting terrorism, and I think he‘s very surprised that Republicans are now questioning whether he would allow a deal to go through that could actually jeopardize national security.
VANDEHEI: I mean, if you watched Fox News or if you listened to conservative talk radio or call-in shows on C-Span, I've never seen conservatives this fired up, at least since the Harriet Miers controversy, where he had to withdrawn her nomination, in questioning the president. So they knew he had to start defining before he‘s defined.
VANDEHEI: I think he's really worried about the perception globally. And also, with the United Arab Emirates. Remember, this is an ally on the war on terror. And that just isn't just a slogan, that means that they allow us docking rights on the Persian Gulf coast in that country, and they provide other support.
I seem to rememeber that when the right wing bloggers that were offended by the Miers nomination went ballisitic- they weren't painted as lunatics as we are whenever we have a legitimate complaint.