Bill went a little ballistic and Mr. Page did remarkably well for a pretty soft spoken man against the bloviater.
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He came prepared to the segment on brief notice by using Bill's own words against him and O'Reilly was starting to lose his cool. Newshounds has more.
"Columnist Clarence Page, also of the Chicago Tribune, was a last-minute replacement for Wycliff, and witnessing the bullying he was subjected to as a welcome guest it's no wonder Wycliff kept his distance. O'Reilly started the segment by opining that the paper has been fair in its coverage of the "war on terror" but erred in publishing the critical column, which he said was "grossly irresponsible and a lie, which makes (him) angry,"
In a role reversal, Page asked BORe how it was irresponsible and a lie. O'Reilly says that saying the US government is to blame for the grisly murders is irresponsible. Page invites him to look at Wycliff's logic and at his own commentary the past week, saying BORe praised Saddam Hussein's tactics of martial law and curfews, but, as Wycliff notes, there can't be martial law without adequate police and military force and there hasn't been adequate troop strength from the on"