So Billo isn't completely wrong...just 60 years late. What's next? Will the FBI find hidden symbolism in the Leg Lamp that proves it to be a giant liberal plot against gun control? The Grinch is actually code for godlessness and higher taxation?
Wise Bread: FBI Considered "It's A Wonderful Life" Communist Propaganda (h/t Hugh J.)
I love It's a Wonderful Life because it teaches us that family, friendship, and virtue are the true definitions of wealth.
In 1947, however, the FBI considered this anti-cosumerist message as subversive Communist propaganda (read original FBI memo).
According to Professor John Noakes of Franklin and Marshall College, the FBI thought Life smeared American values such as wealth and free enterprise while glorifying anti-American values such as the triumph of the common man.
[..]Naturally I want to get to the bottom of this. I don't want to become an anti-consumerist, especially when our Commander in Chief has decreed that it is our duty as Americans to do more shopping.
So I fired up "The Google" and dug up the original FBI report just to make sure Professor Noakes was right. The original document was a bit hard to read so I transcribed it for your reading pleasure (I did this for free, maybe I am a pinko).