Arthur Silber is back and takes aim at Sully's inane writing on the Iraq war.
I must mention one final point entirely neglected by Sullivan. It is the point I always feel compelled to include when discussing this subject, because it is finally the most important. That is the irreplaceable, precious and desperately fragile value of a single human life. An overwhelming number of lives have been ended and irreparably damaged because of our unforgivable decision to engage in a purely aggressive war, one that we never had any right to begin at all. We have destroyed an entire country and murdered hundreds of thousands of people, and the nightmare that Sullivan envisions may well come to pass regardless of what we do. And all of it was entirely avoidable, and none of it had any connection of consequence to the defense of this nation.
He has a donation drive going. Help him out if you can...he's battling health problems too...