I have to credit Mike Stark for really helping speak for Spocko, who is understandably leery of exposing himself to any more attacks from the right (a
January 29, 2007

I have to credit Mike Stark for really helping speak for Spocko, who is understandably leery of exposing himself to any more attacks from the right (and before any right-winger scoff at the possibility, let me remind you of this)

Mike agreed to a "gentleman's debate" with Noel Sheppard of Newsbusters on the subject of Spocko's campaign against the hate speech on KSFO. I use quotes because I'm not as charitable as Mike was with the loaded nature of some of Noel's questions. However, as many of you commenters can attest, a true debate, devoid of ad hominems and insults, with a right winger on issues is a rare thing and something for which they both should be congratulated.

Read the Noel's questions and Mike's answers here.

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