No, it's not what you think.
Do you remember this clip? When I saw that, it was hard to actually laugh past the incredible sadness I felt that it was a satire instead of reality.
Mike Stark of CallingAllWingnuts has a diary at DKos urging people to sign the DraftGore petition (I know a few C&Lers are involved in this campaign too).
DKos: Yesterday I saw an article that speculated about the significance of Al's key supporters meeting in Boston. If Gore doesn't run, don't let it be because he wasn't encouraged by the people that most support him.
Please visit DraftGore, sign the petition and throw some $$ in the hat (and please append .08 to the amount. I've emailed an advisor and told him that he should look for a few petition signatures and some bank account inflation characterized by .08 DailyKos donations).
Within an hour there were 1,000 more signatures. So whaddya think, C&Lers? Wanna send some love Gore's way?