A suit was filed on behalf of a 12-year-old girl who claims she suffered psychological distress when a teacher showed in class the gay-themed movie “Brokeback Mountain.”
The girl, Jessica Turner, and her grandparents Kenneth and LaVerne Richardson, are seeking more than $400,000 in damages under the suit filed Friday against the Chicago Board of Education and others.
In her lawsuit, a 12-year-old girl claims she suffered psychological distress after watching “Brokeback Mountain.”
According to the suit, the 12-year-old girl’s family believes a substitute teacher and the school’s principal conspired to force the movie on the students, who were allegedly told they couldn’t leave their seats until it was over.
The plaintiffs accuse Diaz, Buford and the Chicago Board of Education of negligence, false imprisonment and intentional infliction of emotional distress.
The suit claims Jessica continues to suffer from emotional distress caused by watching the film and is currently undergoing psychological treatment and counseling.
This might be a tough call for the right. On the one hand, they hate frivolous lawsuits. On the other hand, they hate gay people. What’s a conservative movement to do?