An Arizona man who mortgaged his house to finance a small fence on someone else's private land along the U.S.-Mexico border is suing the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps for putting up cheap cattle fencing rather than an "Israeli-style" barrier, and failing to complete even that.
"Jim Campbell is a great American," declared MCDC President Chris Simcox a year ago, when Campbell gave the group $100,000 for the fence project. Campbell said then, "I can now rest comfortably knowing that I can look the next generation in the eye and say to them: ‘We stepped up and did what we could to preserve the future of your country.'" Now Campbell has changed his tune
There are so many phrases that give me pause on this one: Mortgaged his house to build a fence? On someone else's land? Incomplete, cheap cattle fencing? An Israeli-style barrier? Oy.
Off the Kuff: Stop the damn fence!