Look out, everyone, the White House has a new catch-phrase. “Stay the course” didn’t work out too well, and “they stand up, we stand down” was a policy flop, but now the vaunted White House communications team has a new one.
“The interim report is the beginning of a new kind of surge and it’s a surge of facts, because what’s happened with a lot of the war in Iraq, as you know, Rush, is that people get pictures of dead bodies, but they don’t get any sense of what’s actually going on on the ground,” Tony Snow told Rush Limbaugh yesterday, adding, “[W]e need a surge in facts.”
Snow then hosted a conference call with conservative bloggers.
“We need a surge of facts. That’s one of the things we’re going to be working on. I’m going to be doing it from the podium. [...]
Snow says he’s going to put up slides, video, and audio on new screens behind him during the daily press briefing. “We’re not gonna spin, but we’re going to provide real hard data.”
I can’t believe Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are off this week. Some of this material just writes itself.