(guest blogged by BillW.)
On CNN's Late Edition, Rep. Tom Lantos (D-CA) was really strong. Rep. Mike Pence , not-so-much. Lantos said so much good stuff, well, you just have to see it, but I do want to point out this exchange:
Wolf: "You know a lot of people believe that the whole weapons of mass destruction was a charade. The real reason was oil."
Pence: "Right. Well we, I mean, but, in point of fact, uh, Saddam Hussein did have chemical weapons of mass destruction. He used them against the population in Kurdistan"
Wolf: "But that was in the eighties. That was in the eighties before the first gulf war"
Pence: "It was, but uh, you know, I don't think anyone really doubts today Wolf, that uh that uh, if if the government of Saddam Hussein was in place with everything that Iran is doing with a nuclear weapons program that there would be a nuclear weapons arms race going on between those two countries."
Is that true? No one doubts that? The WMD boogie man didn't work, so he created a new one.