(corrected) I'd say CNN's, Don Lemon nails it. O'Reilly's racist tendencies are on display in this audio clip and while Rick Sanchez tried to suck up to The Factor man, (O'Reilly was a bit animated on a telephone call to him) Lemon calls it like it is.
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Lemon: O'Reilly lives in NYC, one of the most diverse places on earth and you would think why is he shocked that an African American restaurant people aren't, you know, acting out of context as they should be acting in a restaurant?...but here's the thing also, he was speaking with another commenter who was on FOX and they started talking about Rap music and he said, you know, in the restaurant I didn't hear anybody saying, you know I want some MFer this or that and so it wasn't like, why aren't people finding this a little bit (garbled)?
Sanchez: If his expectation is that any white American goes into a black establishment he should be surprised that people don't have their underwear sticking out of their pants and they're not running around cursing...
O'Reilly was shocked that African Americans actually act like people. Unbelievable. Bill O. will be attacking CNN tonight for sure. Media Matters has a lot more...