[media id=2868] [media id=2869] Stephen Colbert sits down with LA Times reporter Bob Drogin to discuss his book, Curveball: Spies, Lies and the Con
October 16, 2007

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Stephen Colbert sits down with LA Times reporter Bob Drogin to discuss his book, Curveball: Spies, Lies and the Con Man Who Caused a War on the catastrophic choice to embrace questionable intelligence from an Iraqi dissident because it suited the Bush administration's desire to launch an offensive against Iraq.

COLBERT: The book is called Curveball: Spies, Lies and the Con Man Who Caused a War. But he didn't cause a war. He provided the rationale for the war.

DROGIN: He provided the pretext for...

COLBERT: We needed to go to war with Saddam Hussein. We had been hit; they were hittable. Okay?

UPDATE: Check out the Colbert for President link here...

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