As you would expect, the right wing blogs are just foaming over the accusation and admission that Hillary Clinton took questions from a planted reporter on global warming in Iowa. But they might want to take their cue from the traditional media on this one and not play it up, echoing Cokie Roberts on This Week with George Stephanopoulis: "Who cares???"
Now, I personally find the whole notion of planting reporters ridiculously cowardly on either side of the aisle (and agreeing with Roberts, one of the least important issues facing us right now), but the hypocrisy of these right wingers kills me. After all, if the media starts to castigate Hillary for planted questions, then they'd really have to respond to their own complacency as far as loyalty oaths to attend Bush town hall meetings and that most famous of planted reporters: Jeff Gannon. Did any of those wingnut blogs find that as egregious?
By the way, speaking of planted reporters, do check out who was the first commenter over at PERRspectives. It looks like ol' Johnny Guckert is trying to use the netroots to sell himself as a legitimate journalist.
Update from Blue Gal: Sestakastan too. Gannon is Google Blog searching himself and leaving comments. Um, I have no comment.