Chris Dodd thanks the netroots for their support and congratulates his colleagues for their help in the fight against retroactive immunity.
"Today we have scored a victory for American civil liberties and sent a message to President Bush that we will not tolerate his abuse of power and veil of secrecy. The President should not be above the rule of law, nor should the telecom companies who supported his quest to spy on American citizens. I want to thank the thousands of Americans throughout the country that stood with me to get this done for our country."The progressive blogs, who played a huge role in lobbying the Senate to support Dodd's leadership against retroactive immunity, are joining in the celebration now that the FISA bill has been pulled until next year.
In an email, Athenae of First Draft writes, "Seriously, that was some awesome with awesome sauce and a side of pure, crispy win."
Crooks & Liars has video of Dodd's closing remarks this evening.
Jason Rosenbaum at The Seminal writes, "This victory means Dodd's filibuster has weight. It also makes it much more likely that he will win round two as he continues to stand up for the Constitution and against telecom immunity."
Sam Stein at the Huffington Post sets the early narrative - one which I think accurately describes how events evolved over the course of the last few days - in an article titled "Dodd's Filibuster Threat Persuades Reid."[..]
Also, thanks to everyone at FireDogLake for all the help driving activism today.
You can keep giving Chris Dodd the props he's due at