To celebrate the latest poll (and we all know polls don't matter, except when they do) which shows Giuliani has dropped 13 points in four weeks (a personal record!) we thought we'd link to the latest New Yorker "Shouts and Murmurs," which features a Rudy Quiz for your amusement. Here's a sample question:
12. What action by the Giuliani administration was found by the courts to have violated the First Amendment rights of New Yorkers?
(a) Preventing taxi-drivers from assembling for a protest.
(b) Requiring city workers to obtain permission to speak to the press.
(c) Refusing to issue a permit for an anti-police-brutality march.
(d) All of the above, and many more.
Take the reality-based quiz online here...
Update: Okay kids grab yer blindfolds, Fox is reporting that Rudy wants to show you "his softer side".... warning that link does actually go to Fox News