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Dick Cheney has his go-to guy in Tim Russert; George Bush has Wolf Blitzer. Despite the fact that the president's petulant hysteria that refusing to include retroactive immunity will endanger Americans, a lie that even his own people can't support, has been thoroughly debunked, that's not going to stop Wolf Blitzer from serving up a hot, steaming pile of propaganda direct from the bowels of the White House to House Intelligence Committee Chairman Silvestre Reyes this morning on Late Edition.
Unfortunately, whatever blinders that Blitzer has on that does not allow him to get facts about this FISA propaganda is also apparently affecting the House intelligence committee as well, as Reyes tells Blitzer that they are negotiating a compromise that could include telecom immunity.
"We are talking to the representatives from the communications companies because if we're going to give them blanket immunity, we want to know and we want to understand what it is that we're giving immunity for," he said. "I have an open mind about that."
Regarding a compromise deal, Reyes said: "We think we're very close, probably within the next week we'll be able to hopefully bring it to a vote."
Please, no. Jumping Jiminy on a popsicle stick, is there no blatantly illegal acts that this White House wants to commit that the Congress will fight? Maybe they're wishing for the telecom largese to come back.
Studs Terkel, author and oral historian; Quentin Young, physician and advocate for health-care reform; State Rep. Barbara Flynn Currie; and James Montgomery, former Chicago corporation counsel, are plaintiffs in Terkel, et. al vs. AT&T. They've written an op-ed on Why We Sued The Phone Company. Clearly, we will have to deluge Congress with demands that they not cave into the Bush administration. Again. Your first stop is this PfAW petition as well as sending emails/snail mails and faxes to your representatives.