In an interview on CNN Thursday, Senator Obama said John McCain was "losing his bearings" after he repeatedly suggested that Hamas had endorsed his candidacy, even though their positions on the issue are nearly identical. Now, loyal Democrat (except on the small issue of "the war") Joe Lieberman is coming to McCain's defense after the presumptive GOP nominee accused Barack Obama of playing the "age card."
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'I just want to report that this morning I personally checked John McCain's bearings. He has not lost any of them. They are all in really great shape."
Since McCain has maintained that he's trying to run an "honorable campaign," it's no surprise that he's trying to turn this into an "ageist" insult in an attempt to distract from the deplorable reality that he said Hamas endorsed Obama. But when you listen to or read the comments in their full context, it's rather obvious that Barack was referring to McCain's abandonment of his maverick straight-talking image in pursuit of the GOP nomination.
"This is offensive, and I think it's disappointing, because John McCain always says, 'Well, I'm not going to run that kind of politics. And then to engage in that kind of smear, I think, is unfortunate, particularly since my policy toward Hamas has been no different than his.
For him to toss out comments like that, I think, is an example of him losing his bearings as he pursues this nomination. We don't need name-calling in this debate."
Since McCain is on the wrong side of nearly every issue in this election, expect these sorts of petty accusations to cloud the debate. There really isn't much else left in the Republican arsenal after eight years of George Bush. Especially with a nominee who promises four more.