Think Progress: Study concludes US media embed program a “communications victory” for the Bush administration. Just don’t tell Brian Williams that.
Huffington Post: BREAKING NEWS: McCain Resigns From His Campaign.
Democracy Now!: The Bush administration is holding 27,000 prisoners, with no legal recourse, in secret overseas jails. Where’s the media?
skippy the bush kangaroo: Cookie Jill with the latest environmental news, which includes “zones of death” spreading in our oceans and how America’s wasteful eating habits not only take food from the mouths of the hungry but increase greenhouse gases. Plus, are global warming “alarmists” losing the rhetorical war?
TPM Muckracker: The Bush administration in yet another episode of Working Tirelessly to Control the Flow of Information. Today’s story: “Controlled Unclassified Information” (CUI). Or as we call it: CYA.
Guest roundup by Brad Jacobson of MediaBloodhound. See you tomorrow, reality-basers! Until then, email those submissions and tips to mediabloodhound at yahoo dot com.