Last night on the "The Report," Stephen Colbert hosted Family Research Council President Tony Perkins to discuss the recent landmark court ruling in California legalizing same sex marriages, and ended up catching the "family values" crusader in some serious contradictions in the way only Colbert can.
"I think it would really be much better for the anti-gay-marriage side if they obeyed everything in the Bible, not just the anti-gay-marriage part. Don't you?"
Californians apparently agree:
A majority of registered Californian voters oppose changing the constitution of the most populous U.S. state to bar gays from marrying, according to poll released on Wednesday.
The Field Poll survey found 51 percent against approving a possible November ballot measure to prohibit gay marriage, with 43 percent in favor. A slightly differently worded question on the same issue found 54 percent opposed and 40 percent in favor.
Markos has some of the historical data showing how far Californians have come in just the past 30 years, as well as the age breakdown that bodes very well for the future of ensuring our gay brothers and sisters receive equal treatment under the law:
Approve Disapprove
5/2008 51 42
2006 44 50
2004 44 50
2003 42 50
1997 38 56
1985 30 62
1977 28 59
In other promising news, the AP is reporting that California will start issuing same-sex marriage licenses on June 14. Expect the wingnuts to fight this tooth and nail, but it's good news nonetheless:
Same-sex couples in some California counties will be able to marry as soon as June 14, the president of the California’s county clerks association said.