No one should be surprised that Tony Perkins "personally endorsed" Ted Cruz. Cruz has adopted the Huckabee/Santorum mantle to court Iowa's wingnut Christianists, so be it.
Three points about this announcement that shouldn't be missed:
1. Perkins isn't speaking for Family Research Council, or "any of the non-profits he is also associated with." All those 501-c-3 tax exempt money schemes that are essentially lobbying organizations aren't necessarily backing Cruz. They wouldn't. They want to win more than Iowa.
2. The baloney about making this announcement on Fox / Megyn's show as an "exclusive." Again, Fox shows itself not to be a "news organization," but the premiere outlet for right wing propaganda.
3. Tony Perkins has worked with Ted Cruz in the Senate? I didn't know Perkins was a Senator! Of course not, he's more powerful than that.
PS. In case you missed it, go watch Megyn's interview with Michael Moore from the same show. It's a hoot.