The Rick Warren forum really tells you all you need to know. Obama tried to be thoughtful in all his responses, some people say he takes too long to answer, but I think he's just trying to think before he responds. In the debates he will have to be quick on the draw and powerful, but he looked comfortable and sincere. I may not agree with all his positions, but he seems right at home on Warren's stage. The crowd was warm to him, but clearly on the Republican side.
On the Supreme Court he attacked Scalia and Clarence Thomas, but I wish he pointed out that they have made the bench a complete right wing activist mill instead of judges deciding cases on facts.
McCain is very good in these intimate settings. Put him on SNL or Jay Leno and he does very well. That's something that shouldn't be taken lightly by us or the Obama camp. When he gives a speech or appears in a debate, he's out of his element and looks lost. He can get quite nasty too. Republicans can give very basic answers in Evangelical settings. McCain proclaimed, I'll be a pro life President. The crowd was warmer to his positions which we all knew would be the case. Tonight he just recited his stump speech. When he responded to a thoughtful position change he's made in the last ten years, it was -drll, drill, drill. All he talked about in the beginning were stories form Vietnam and being in a POW camp. He opened by praising Gen. Petraeus and then went on from there. My God, he had no shame when it came to that.
McCain refused to address the classes when it came to wealth. What constitutes being rich and so forth. Obama was very clear on that issue.
It will be interesting to see how the media reviews both of them. Will they call out McCain's pandering to his own military record? I understand that's what he's running on, but to me he trivialized his experiences there.
UPDATE: David Gergen brought up the point that Obama was able to connect with Evangelicals and addressed the Muslim smears pretty effectively. He thought McCain's POW stories helped him the most and was effective as well.