Gosh, who needs campaign surrogates when the mainstream media will only too gladly suffice? Tom Brokaw continues in his role as Republican concern troll by citing an anonymous email from a military man (who is "not crazy" about McCain, natch; that only increases the credibility, right?) objecting to Biden's crack yesterday about seven kitchen tables because, after all, McCain was a POW. And Chuck Todd agrees, that while Democrats--citing Maureen Dowd, who has never met a Democrat she didn't metaphorically castrate or feminize-- don't like it, it still works with voters.
BROKAW: Chuck Todd, a career military person-who is not crazy about John McCain-immediately emailed me about that crack about seven kitchen tables, saying, "Wait a minute, that's pretty gratuitous. Here's a guy who spent five years in prison, not knowing where his next meal was going to come from."
TODD: It's interesting that..that Democrats are getting a little more upset by that line of defense now. Coming, there's a column this morning by Maureen Dowd in the New York Times sort of laying out this case that you know, is the McCain campaign using the...using that defense too often to pushback everything, but it does work, I think, with voters.
You know, I normally think Todd's fairly astute, but this is just ridiculous. I'm ready for Brokaw and Todd to appear in a YouTube video complete with smearing mascara, screaming "Leave McCain alone!" The reason that Democrats are getting upset is not that McCain is using it too often, it's that being a POW IS NOT A LINE OF DEFENSE. Jumpin' Jiminy, these guys are clueless.
McCain gets pulled over for speeding: "But Officer, I was a POW!"
McCain misspells 'onomatopoeia' at the National Spelling Bee: "But judge, I was a POW!"
McCain forgets to pay taxes on one of his multiple homes: "But Mr. IRS Auditor, I was a POW!"
That's how ludicrous McCain's "defense" is, and yet the media sees nothing wrong with it. In fact, they're shocked by those who point out that being a POW isn't a "get out of gaffe" free card. It's not working with the voters, you McCain Media types, it's working with you. You're just not on the ball enough to know you're getting played.