Yes, we can do some good here. I posted about Eddie Burke's cowardly act yesterday when he called the Alaska Women Reject Palin--maggots and exposed their personal information so they would be attacked.
Today I found out that he has been suspended:
Anchorage AM radio host Eddie Burke has been suspended after broadcasting the phone numbers of women involved in organizing a protest rally against Sarah Palin over the weekend, his station manager said Monday.
In a statement, KBYR-AM 700 station manager Justin McDonald said broadcasting the numbers last week was "breaking station policy." Burke will be suspended for one week without pay, he said.
"Though I do not agree with some of the comments he made, as a licensee, we attempt to respect everyone's First Amendment rights, including Eddie Burke's, our listeners' and our nonlisteners'," McDonald's statement said. "That does not mean I condone inciting violence or harm in any way to people wanting to voice their opinions with peaceful protest."
Acting like Michelle Malkin does have some consequences after all.