Muppet Mayhem: On The Set Of 'Muppets Most Wanted'
Credit: Flickr
January 11, 2014

Via Fandango Movie Blog:

By: Caryn Bailey
on January 10, 2014 at 6:00AM

It's 10 p.m. on Hollywood Boulevard, but from the fluorescent lights illuminating the famed, closed-off street and the droves of people straining for a glimpse of the action, you'd think there was a premiere about to begin (which wouldn't be uncommon since nearly all of Disney's films open nearby at the historic El Capitan Theatre). A few casually placed signs with "M2" written on them provide clues that we're on a live set, where the beginning of Disney's Muppets Most Wanted is in production.

The filmmakers are shooting the ...

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