Fox News contributor George Will on Sunday argued that climate change was a hoax because the world had also gotten warmer during the Middle Ages.
Following President Barack Obama's push to create a fund to help communities suffering from the changing climate, Fox News Sunday brought on a panel of pundits who all agreed that the effort was waste of time.
"I'm one of those who are called deniers," Will admitted. "Of course the climate is changing, it's always changing. That's what gave us the medieval warm period. That's what gave us -- subsequent to that for centuries -- the Little Ice Age. Of course it's changing."
Will said that the only question was "how much wealth are we going to forego creating" by trying to stop the climate from changing?
Fox News contributor Kirsten Powers asserted that climate change had become an "article of faith" for liberals, making the president's effort an "overtly political move."
Both Wall Street Journal columnist Kimberly Strassel and The Washington Post's Charles Lane were also on the same page when it came to combating climate change.
"It became climate change when you couldn't prove that there wasn't much global warming anymore," Strassel declared. "You know, as the temperature didn't change."