Conservative gun lobbyist Larry Pratt recommended during a recent radio broadcast that U.S. blacks could get a better "attitude" if they paid attention to "Africans from Africa" who he said were more "happy."
On the Gun Owner’s News Hour show last month, American Thinker writer Selwyn Duke told Pratt, who is the executive director of Gun Owners of America, in a shocked tone that he had discovered that the best Catholic priests were from Africa.
"Africa! Intelligent Men with PhDs," Duke noted.
"And generally the African from Africa is a very pro-American person, a very happy person," Pratt opined. "I know several. And they always just happy with a joke, pleasant smile on their face. And they clearly don't identify with the surliness that's all too frequently the attitude of their fellow African-Americans here."
"And they're very conservative politically," he continued. "The country of Ghana, it's still illegal to commit an abortion, it's illegal to be a homosexual. Very conservative social laws and very free market oriented as well."
Duke agreed and pointed out that the types of Africans that could afford to come to the U.S. were of "a better stripe."
"They tend to be educated, they tend to be a little more upper class than a lot of the Africans who can't get here," Duke said.
"It's the way we used to run our immigration system altogether," Pratt replied. "These are folks that stand apart and hopefully they can approach some of their fellow blacks and say, 'Hey, buddy, you got this all wrong, let me explain to you the world really works.'"
(h/t: Right Wing Watch)