Chris McDaniel's Shady Racist Friends Hosted Heritage Hater Brigitte Gabriel
Credit: Clarion-Ledger
June 19, 2014

Chris McDaniel and Rand Paul both have something in common: They hang out with racists and nationalists. Rand Paul's group was; McDaniel's is the Mississippi Council of Conservative Citizens, of which arrested supporter Mark Mayfield was an active member.

Via Breitbart Unmasked:

Mississippi’s unrepentant racists present themselves as perfectly reasonable “conservatives,” but the extremism is always just below the surface of their thin skin.

Mark Mayfield, the Central Mississippi Tea Party leader and McDaniel campaign volunteer who was arrested in connection with Clayton Kelly’s nursing home break-in, has organized many political speaking events in his Jackson suburb. We know this because we found them advertised on the Mississippi Council of Conservative Citizens WordPress. Best known for defending slavery, the Council of Conservative Citizens (get it? CCC=KKK) has a very long and decidedly racistpedigree. Although the site features ugly racial slurs, headlines about the supposed racial superiority of whites, and so on, all of that white nationalist language is oddly missing from their “About Us” page. The blog authors have instead posted reasonable-seeming boilerplate about a “silent conservative majority” that must organize against “the left” to save America from unspecified dangers.

One of those chimeras is the scary brown Muslims who conspire to steal our Constitution with creeping Sharia laws. For the right wing world is shaped by all kinds of fear and loathing, not just prejudice against a single color or creed, and Muslim-bashing has become a growth industry on the right. In 2013, one of Mayfield’s featured speakers was Brigitte Gabriel, a queen of the Islamophobia industry and a genocide apologist known for saying wacky things about Obama being secretly Muslim. Coincidentally, Gabriel also sat on that infamous Heritage panel this past Monday to tell an enthusiastic room full of Benghazi conspiracy nuts that hundreds of millions of Muslims are working tirelessly to destroy America.

Add Mayfield and his Chosen One, Chris McDaniel, to the growing list of wingnuts and racists populating Washington DC.

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