A "professional" big game hunting advocate told Fox News on Sunday that a Texas Tech cheerleader who posted Facebook photos of dead animals -- like elephants, lions, buffalo and leopards -- was just killing "nuisance animals."
July 6, 2014

A "professional" big game hunting advocate told Fox News on Sunday that a Texas Tech cheerleader who posted Facebook photos of dead animals -- like elephants, lions, buffalo and leopards -- was just killing "nuisance animals."

Author and hunter Craig Boddington explained to Fox News host Tucker Carlson that liberal critics of 19-year-old cheerleader Kendall Jones did not understand that her controversial hunts in Africa were helping to pay for "wildlife management and conservation."

"In Africa and elsewhere in the Third World, hunting revenues from visiting sportsmen and women are really critical to managing wildlife," Boddington insisted. "The direct revenues from hunting and the local employment that safaris bring to town are really important in turning what otherwise might be dangerous nuisance animals into a valuable resource."

"It places value on the animals, and hunting also deters poaching by meat distribution, and by reducing human-animal conflicts," he added. "So it really is absolutely critical to wildlife management."

Boddington said that he had also taken his daughters on hunts in African when they were 17 years old.

"Certainly it was a broadening and enlightening experience," he recalled.

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