Fox News' #Outnumbered four female hosts were shocked to the core when their #OneLuckyGuy guest Dog the Bounty Hunter chose Hillary Clinton for president, "Dog," said he is a Republican, but when asked about rising Marco Rubio and the Republican field he said he only trusted the dynamic duo of the Clintons.
Asked what he thought of Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), Dog, clad in all black, left the rest on the sofa shocked.
"I don't think he could beat the dynamic duo," he said calmly.
"Who's the dynamic duo?" co-host Andrea Tantaros asked, excitedly.
"The Clintons," Dog said, with a smile. The hosts groaned and asked him why he would support Hillary for President.
"I want someone in there with experience. We're at war," he said.
Co-host Sandra Smith countered that one of Clinton's major weaknesses will be proving her credentials on foreign policy (namely, war.)
"I dunno, I heard her once say if they keep doing this, we're gonna make it a parking lot," Dog responded. It's possible he was referencing remarks from 2008, when Clinton said that if she were President, the U.S. would be ready to "totally obliterate" Iran.
"I'm a Republican but I have faith in the dynamic duo," Dog said.
"That makes me so sad right now," sighed co-host Lisa "Kennedy" Montgomery. "Like, I love everything about you. I think you're powerful and heroic but the fact that you endorse Hillary Clinton—it makes me sadder than 'The Notebook.'"