The First In The Nation Summit in Nashua, N.H. was a chance for Republican hopefuls to put themselves out there and prove to their party who is most electable. Contrary to what will work in a general election, these Republicans must also satisfy the fringe element that needs to be placated. New Hampshire is the first state to hold primaries, so the whole clown car is on display in this key state.
Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul smacked around Democratic rival Hillary Clinton at a campaign stop in New Hampshire this morning on the eve of the former Obama administration official's first visit to the Granite State as a proclaimed 2016 candidate.
'When Hillary Clinton travels there's going to need to be two planes, one for her and her entourage, one for her baggage,' Paul said during remarks at a New Hampshire GOP summit taking place in Nashua this weekend.
'I'm concerned that the plane with the baggage is really getting heavy and teetering' Paul said, predicting that she'd soon have new questions to to answer about her family foundation's donations from foreign actors.
'I think there is big news coming on the Clinton Foundation,' Paul told Fox News during a New Hampshire swing earlier this month. 'I think there are things that went on at the Clinton Foundation that are going to shock people.'
'I think they're going to make people question whether she ought to run for president,' he said, declining to go into more detail.
This huge email problem, we all know, has pretty much no impact on her standings among likely voters. Rand Paul, on the other hand, has a tremendous problem with his stance on the Civil Rights Amendment while some close associates have ties to white supremacist organizations.
Paul’s refusal to acknowledge systemic racism could charitably be viewed as an effort to avoid alienating conservatives, for whom the word “racism” is a flaming red cape, or it could be viewed as the entirely consistent ignorance of someone who views the desegregation of lunch counters as a “philosophical discussion.
”There is a reason that most libertarians are white males, because the “leave me alone coalition,” as Paul calls it, conveniently wishes to be left alone with all of the advantages they’ve accrued over generations of white male supremacy, to “call it even” now that they’re standing on third base.
Paul is also adopting the inane rhetoric that the CGI accepts donations from repressive regimes and thus endorces such measures. He doesn't know that the CGI is a charitable organization which is very different from a PAC. Paul claims that the publically disclosed CGI donaters are more of a problem than his flip-flopping interventionist/non-interventionist stance. Many Libertarians are very upset he has abandoned his previous stance on foreign policy.
If Rand Paul is serious about his Presidential aspirations, it may be time to work on his own credibility instead of obsessing over Hillary's "issues."