As Fran noted this week in her post this week on Chuck Todd dissing Bernie Sanders back in 2010:
When you're watching coverage of the Bernie Sanders Presidential Campaign, never forget the derision and scorn held for Sanders and his populism, by the Blackberry Class/ Washington Life Magazine Power 100/Georgetown Cocktail Party Circuit villagers.
Here's a prime example of just that from the Beltway bullies over at Fox from this Saturday's Cavuto on Business. While discussing the economy and whether Hillary Clinton will be able to use how things have gone during President Obama's time in office to her advantage or not, the topic of her one and only announced challenger, Bernie Sanders came up, and here's what the audience was treated to.
CAVUTO: Dagen, what do you think of that if she makes a hard drive to the left?
MCDOWELL: I think that Bernie Sanders is going to highlight everything that is wrong in this country still, everything that is wrong with this economy, still, and it's going to make her move even further left in terms of government handouts. (crosstalk)
PAYNE: But it's not Sanders. It's still the ghost of Elizabeth Warren, or the shadow of Elizabeth Warren.
GASPARINO: And Bernie Sanders is kind of a kook. I mean, the issue...
STEIN: Oh, very much. Very much.
CAVUTO: But then he is a set-up kook...
MCDOWELL: But he's a kook that the left loves!
CAVUTO: What I'm saying is there will be other kooks to follow. If she looks injured, if she looks bloodied, others will follow.
GASPARINO: Elizabeth Warren is not a kook and she's formidable.
STEIN: Yeah she is.
GASPARINO: But everything I've heard from people that know her pretty well, she's just going to keep a presence to keep Hillary, to move Hillary to the left and not run. But I will say one thing.
MCDOWELL: Well Bernie Sanders is Jerry Garcia to liberals and they're listening to his tune.
Anyone think they would not be talking about Elizabeth Warren exactly the same way had she announced she was running? The only reason they're treating her with an iota of respect is because of her decision not to get in.
Look for more of this whether it's from Fox or the rest of our corporate media. They'll make fun of him, but you won't hear many specifics about his policy proposals, because they're popular, and they know it.