Pastor Robert Jeffress visited Hannity last night for a little ethnic hate mongering and “Obama’s a secret Muslim” dog whistle blowing. Apparently, that’s all part of being a good Christian, in Jeffress’ mind.
The discussion purported to be about Obama’s call for more Syrian refugees. But by booking Jeffress and an imam, the discussion was guaranteed to turn into an anti-Islamic slugfest with host Sean Hannity bullying the imam and Jeffress attacking Obama and the religion. In other words, “fair and balanced,” Fox News style.
In his introduction, Hannity all but openly asked Jeffress to blow the dog whistle.
HANNITY: He wants to take ‘em in and gamble with the lives of the American people. So he’s sucking up and getting lectured by Raul Castro, a murdering thug dictator. …Hardly the response you would expect from the leader of the free world.
Yes, if only the leader of the free world were more like Donald Trump – now you’re talking Hannity’s kind of presidential.
Jeffress, too. You may recall that he recently suggested Trump is a better Christian than the pope.
So it was no surprise that Jeffress got right to religious and ethnic smearing:
JEFFRESS: Look, here’s what’s going on. Once again, on the heels of a horrific terror attack, you have the president assuming his favorite role, of defender-in-chief of Islam. It is time for this president and others to wake up to the fact of whether we’re talking about Paris, Pakistan, Brussels or San Bernardino, all of these attacks share one common denominator: they were not committed by Jews or Hindus or Episcopalians, they were committed by radical Islamic terrorists. And Sean, by this president’s unwillingness to admit that and denying it and demonizing the rest of us who make that connection, it’s not only shameful, he is endangering the future security of our country.
Jeffress conveniently overlooked the home-grown American terrorism in the U.S. at Planned Parenthood, Umpqua Community College and a black church in Charleston, to name a recent few. And it's funny, but I have yet to hear Jeffress complain about Hannity promoting terrorism when his buddy, the racist, criminal rancher Cliven Bundy, was threatening an armed insurrection against federal law enforcers. But “gambling with American lives” in a country awash with guns seems to be OK, just so long as the shooter is American.
Watch it above, from the March 30 Hannity.
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