I'm sure Drumpf's base appreciates this, but he might find out that Elizabeth Warren has a bigger base who does not think it's funny.
Boston radio host Howie Carr warmed up the Trump crowd with war whoops while trashing Senator Warren, because of course Pocahontas. Trump is due to appear with the equally lovely Paul LePage, where I'm sure they'll indulge in some armpit farts before getting down to business.
"You know Elizabeth Warren, right?" Carr asked, before putting his hand over his mouth and chanting an imitation of Indian war whoops. "Elizabeth Warren said, or maybe it was Hillary, she said the only people for Donald Trump are rich guys. Are any of you guys out there rich guys?" Carr asked. "I don’t see too many rich guys out here today. Except me. Did I hear that? I didn’t come here to be made sport of," he said, responding to people in the audience.
I think it's hilarious that Drumpf is so bothered by Warren that he dredges up this crap. It didn't work for Scott Brown, and it's not going to work for Trump. But it does fire up the white supremacist crowd, so there's that.