Some folks have said we have to accept this election and move on. That Trump is President, and we need to stretch our hands out across the aisle and do what we can to help him.
What we have to face, head on, is there is nothing that King Trump will do that will be good for us. There is nothing that he's promised that will be good for the American people today, or in the future. None of his agenda items will be good for the world.
Rather than help Trump, we need to prepare to place obstacles in his path every step of the way. Because every step he takes, causes permanent harm. Let me repeat this: every step Trump takes, will cause permanent harm.
This is a man who has promised to gut the EPA, throw open our national parks for exploitation, bring back the Keystone Pipeline, discriminate against Muslims, and tear law-abiding Latino families apart.
He is going to gut the Affordable Care Act, and toss 24 million people out of health care coverage.
The LGBT community will immediately lose some of their protections, and if Trump and Pence have their way, will lose many more.
The Trump crown princes have desisted long enough from hunting and killing endangered species to assert that they will seek to influence their father on the Endangered Species Act. We already know there are plans to delist all wolves from the ESA, and allow open season on them wherever they are. And since guns, guns, and more guns will be America's new catchphrase, the wolves, and many of us, don't stand a chance.
Law and Order will become the standard of the land, meaning even more for-profit prisons and imprisoned people. We already have the largest prison population per capita among western nations. The Justice Department will no longer continue its fight against discrimination in our nation's police forces.
There will be more unarmed dead black men in the streets. They will be joined by those killed by yet another mad man with an easily-obtained assault weapon.
King Trump is a man who bragged about grabbing pussy and called Mexican immigrants rapists. He started lying the day he declared his Presidency and he didn't stop until he won. He genuinely believes he knows more than all of the experts on any subject, at the same time he denies the obviousness of climate change. He has made sexism, racism, and bigotry fashionable, even commendable. The KKK and ISIS both celebrated his win. Russia and China are practically gloating at his victory.
That hand you want us to grab is covered in filth.
I will not assist him. I will do everything I legally, ethically, and morally can to halt his progress. Don't ever again ask me to do otherwise.