After promising a press conference to be held this Wednesday for the purpose of discussing the disposition of his business in light of the numerous conflicts of interest he has, Donald Trump has done exactly what he and other members of his party have done: Postponed.
According to Bloomberg News, Trump's promise press conference has now been canceled and is to be held sometime in January.
Yes, I'm sure this is quite like Republicans' promise to "repeal and replace" the ACA, where repeal is the part they pass over and over again but cannot quite seem to agree on the "replace" part, because they do not actually intend to replace it. Just repeal. Similarly, Trump does not ever plan to address his conflicts of interest at all. It's all an act mixed with procrastination in the hopes that everyone will forget he has massive conflicts of interest and stands to make huge profits from his tenure in the White House.
Of course he's not going to have a press conference! Of course he's not going to disclose anything! He will do what he always does -- deflect.
Take this prediction to the bank: Donald Trump will take office with more conflicts of interest than any President in American history. He will owe many countries and banks, and he will use the power of the office to grant them favors in return for their silence.
Don't be distracted by his tweet saying he'd announce his Secretary of State pick tomorrow. Pay attention to the man behind the curtain with Putin's hand up his butt.