April 15, 2017

Don't forget, Saturday, April 15 is the day of the Tax March. Click here for more information and try your best to make an appearance.

One of our favorite Senators knows that this is a timely subject and a hot-button issue. So many Americans find Trump's refusal to release his taxes not just suspicious, but totally unethical. What the hell is he hiding? We suspect it's rather incriminating, to say the least.

Senator 'Professor' Elizabeth Warren spells out the incredibly galling fact that we've yet to see the tax returns of Trump, aside from the 2005 'leaked' revelation, as that was likely the last time he paid any actual taxes worthy of note.

Warren makes an air-tight case against the clown dictator.

Back in 2016 Donald Trump bragged that he's paid nothing in federal income taxes: how he was proud that he freeloads off the schools, and the roads, and the military that the rest of us pay for.

We don't know much, but we know that Trump owes hundreds of millions to banks like Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs and Bank of China...and investors allegedly tied with Russian mobs.

Like most of this country and much of the globe, Warren wants to know who calls the shots for this man, installed in the highest office on the planet. She reminds everyone about the 38 Trump brand trademarks that he somehow acquired from China recently.

Who is better to denounce the orange tyrant than the woman who spearheaded the CFPB? That's even more relevant especially since Trump signed away protections for retirees against unethical conduct from financial advisers. Who could possibly be better to express our collective, well-deserved skepticism over his hidden tax returns than this brilliant Democrat? Anyone who thinks all Democrats need to go should really look at what Elizabeth Warren does so well: she motivates and energizes ALL Americans, even those who hate to admit that.

The Massachusetts Senator, who proclaims that 'the time for hiding is over' for Trump, uses this Moveon.org video to promote the march, one that everyone who can attend should attend!

April 15th folks, join the RESISTANCE.

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