Breitbart Writer Fired For Spewing Racism After London Attacks
Credit: KajiKingStarzky
June 4, 2017

Two Breitbart writers expressed racist anti-Muslim views following the terrorist attacks in London that killed seven over the weekend.

"There would be no deadly terror attacks in the U.K. if Muslims didn't live there," Breitbart writer Katie McHugh wrote on Twitter.

When actor Pej Vahdat called McHugh a "moron," she shot back: "You're an Indian." (In fact, Vahdat is an Iranian-American)

And according to CNN, Breitbart writer Ryan Saavedra tweeted, "People think I'm kidding when I say this but the crusades need to come back."

Saavedra later deleted the tweet, but added another: "This s--t won't stop until people grow a pair of balls."

One Breitbart employee told CNN that the remarks were "appalling."

"It's a terrible comment," another Breitbart explained to the network. "I would never write what [McHugh] said."

CNN reported that a third employee agreed that the tweets were "dumb."

Update: Editor of Breitbart London, Raheem Kassam, called for internment camps in Britain.

Update: (Karoli) Breitbart News fired Katie McHugh, who is now raising funds on Chuck Johnson's website for her "ongoing health needs" and job search efforts.

This expresses Breitbart's dilemma well:

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