Apparently calling a black man "an ape" and throwing a banana at him was not a wise decision.
Source: The Stranger
Sean Patrick Duff was on his way to see Baby Driver on Sunday when he saw a white man wearing a red armband walking near 3rd Avenue and Pike Street. The man, whose name is still unknown, was being "belligerent" and "Alex Jones-style yelling" at passersby, which began drawing a small crowd, Duff told The Stranger.
One bystander, a white man, approached the neo-Nazi and yelled at him to "get the fuck out of our city." The neo-Nazi then called the man an "ape and threw a banana at him," Duff recalled. Within moments, another man ran from across the street and punched the neo-Nazi in the jaw, knocking him out.
Although he didn't anticipate a physical altercation, Duff said he was "hopeful" that the man donning the Nazi armband would get punched. Duff noted that he was "really high on like 800 mg of THC" and stood back with about a dozen people during the incident. Another bystander caught video of the altercation, and posted it to YouTube, but the service removed the clip for violating "YouTube's policy on harassment and bullying."

Twitter was something less than sympathetic to his cause.