Scarborough said Conway's statement was “the exact opposite” of what his own White House sources told him about Trump and Kelly.
February 12, 2018

Morning Joe's host Joe Scarborough rebutted Kellyanne Conway’s claim that White House chief of staff John Kelly still enjoyed the president’s full confidence.

Conway said Sunday that Kelly enjoyed the full confidence of the president, and that his job was safe.

“A lot of back and forth going on here, it could be confusing,” Scarborough said. “We’ll tell you what, what we usually do on ‘Morning Joe’ when we’re confused and just want to know the facts. We just wish somebody at the White House would give us the facts.”

He said Conway said the same last year about Michael Flynn.

“(She) rushed out, and did what she does so often, said things that have no connection to the truth,” he said.

Scarborough said Conway's statement was “the exact opposite” of what his own White House sources told him about Trump and Kelly.

“President Trump is finished with John Kelly, and his staff members around John Kelly can’t wait for him to go. Just reporting the facts," he said.

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