It now appears Donald Trump has another member of his team in his unforgiving cross-hairs and that is Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley.
Haley, a neocon favorite, has been very outspoken against the Kremlin's behavior, much more so than Trump ever has, and said so in the type of language the rest of America wished Donald used against his BFF, Putin.
On CBS's Face the Nation, the ambassador said new sanctions were coming out against Russia which infuriated the ever TV-watching Donald Trump.
On Monday the newly-installed Larry Kudlow praised Haley's job performance, but characterized her Sunday appearance as being momentarily confused.
Kudlow said, "She got ahead of the curve. She’s done a great job. She’s a very effective ambassador. There might have been some momentary confusion about that. But if you talk to Steve Mnuchin at Treasury and so forth, he will tell you the same thing. They’re in charge of this."
Nikki Haley was not amused with Kudlow's sexist gaslighting.
On Fox News' The Five co-host Dana Perino had contacted the ambassador and received this quote, that she read on-air.
Perino said, "in the last half hour I was able to get in touch with Nikki Haley and she said quote: "With all due respect I don't get confused."
Like a cowardly lion, Larry Kudlow tried to walk back his initial statement, but the damage had been done and she refused to offer a retraction.
Trump's White House doesn't have a proper State Department and presents to the world a Mickey Mouse foreign policy operation. Trump makes policy decisions on a whim and via Twitter.
After it's been reported that Trump yelled at the TV over her performance, now the New York Times is reporting that Trump is growing wary of Haley.
At times, that serves the president’s interests because she can say what he will not. But at other times, he has grown exasperated by her outspokenness.
At one point recently, he saw Ms. Haley on television sharply criticizing Russia over its intervention in Ukraine. “Who wrote that for her?” Mr. Trump yelled angrily at the screen, according to people briefed on the moment. “Who wrote that for her?”
And along the way, Mr. Trump has grown suspicious of her ambition, convinced that she had been angling for Mr. Tillerson’s position and increasingly wondering whether she wants his own job.
She can kiss Tillerson's job goodbye even if she had a chance for it, and I imagine she'll hit the bricks soon enough.
But hey, Mike Pompeo went on a secret trip to North Korea so there's nothing to see here folks, move along.