Trump-Pence 'Water Bottle' Meeting Is *Exhibit A* For 25th Amendment
June 7, 2018

From Tiger Beat’s morning email thingie – it’s too good not to share:

TRUMP, UNPLUGGED … WAPO’S JOSH DAWSEY: “In private FEMA remarks, Trump’s focus strays from hurricanes”: “The meeting was supposed to be about hurricane preparedness, as disaster officials gathered at Federal Emergency Management Agency headquarters days after the start of the 2018 season.

“But President Trump had a lot else on his mind, turning the closed-door discussion into soliloquies on his prowess in negotiating airplane deals, his popularity, the effectiveness of his political endorsements, the Republican Party’s fortunes, the vagaries of Defense Department purchasing guidelines, his dislike of magnetized launch equipment on aircraft carriers, his unending love of coal and his breezy optimism about his planned Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

“‘It’s an interesting journey. It’s called the land of the unknown — who knows? We’ll maybe make a deal. Maybe not. As I say to everybody, are you going to make a deal?’ Trump said, according to audio of the FEMA meeting obtained by The Washington Post. ‘Maybe and maybe not. Who knows?’ …

“‘We saved $1.6 billion on Air Force One … Can you believe it? I got involved in the negotiations. The press refuses to report that, but that’s okay. … People were really surprised.’ Military officials have not been able to explain where Trump got such a figure. A Defense Department official told Bloomberg News this year that the department had no information to back up that claim.”

He’s incompetent and completely consumed by his ego.

Not that having walking termite buffet Mike Pence would be an improvement:

The LATimes has an excellent article about Hurricane Maria and Trump’s politics with Puerto Rico, if you want some serious news on a serious topic.

crossposted from Mock Paper Scissors

EDITOR'S COMMENT (Frances Langum): Nicolle Belle points out that if you want to read more on Pence's toadyism, particularly his penchant for dressing like Trump, W Magazine has some theories about that.

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