August 9, 2018

ABOVE: Local news anchors turned Sinclair Media employees read propaganda about "fake news" on air as directed by national headquarters. Compilation via Deadspin

Sinclair Media, that awful conservative blob that has eaten local news stations and spit out right wing garbage at unsuspecting viewers who just want sports and weather?

Yeah they were all set to merge with Tribune Media in another megolith combination that would make Trustbuster Teddy Roosevelt spin in his grave.

But the bride ran away because the groom was a manipulative, nasty douche.

This was a three-point-nine BILLION dollar deal. If successful, Sinclair would have reached 71% of American households. It's bad enough that without the merger, 40% of households have a Sinclair-owned "local" station reading centrally-directed right wing propganda or losing their jobs.

Bust the media trusts.

It may be that Fox doesn't like the competition? Hmm.

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