Bill Maher recaps Trump's very bad week, from leakers, to tell all books, to his babbling, incoherent so-called speech where he had trouble pronouncing the word "anonymous," to you name it, during his opening monologue on this Friday's Real Time.
"This is the week Trump found out everyone hates him, and I don't mean people like me, I mean the people who work for him."
"Trump sort of suspected something was going on when he went into a cabinet meeting and they were all wearing pussy hats."
"You know what's a warning sign? When the president looks like a warning sign."
"No one's debating over whether he's crazy. I'm still getting over the fact that the president dyes his hair platinum blonde and paints his face basketball orange! He sounds like a trunk and looks like a tequila sunrise."
"They're even talking about... everyone in the White House has to take a lie detector test. A lie detector test?! For the Trump administration?! We don't do that in America. We don't have enough electricity."