Stupid Right-Wing Tweets: Rudy Giuliani's Glorious Typo Edition
Credit: Screen shot
December 3, 2018

Oh, Rudy, Rudy, Rudy. It's so cute when you try to mimic your hero Donald Trump and send out some tweets raging at Robert Mueller for his timing in bringing new charges against Michael Cohen.

Never mind the charges, amirite? It's all about the timing. Here's a flash for Rudy: If I were a true patriot like Robert Mueller clearly is, you're damn right I'd do everything I could, use every tool in the box to prevent the so-called "President" from placing the national security of our country at risk. That would absolutely include sticking a wedge in between Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, however that needed to be done.

But see how Rudy's spacing in that tweet created an inadvertent link? Others noticed, too. Please do click the link to see what happens. Someone apparently caught on and made a page...

Because sites like those rarely last very long, I have taken a screenshot of the landing page for posterity, as seen above.

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