January 24, 2019

Worth the click. Former staffer to Russian Republican ex-Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, Tara Setmayer is also the spouse of an unpaid federal worker.

Shorter Setmayer: No federal worker gives a rat's butt about the pomp and circumstance of Trump's State of the Union. Give them their damn paychecks. And if he tries to hold it somewhere else he's sunk.


Can I say something as someone that suffered through seven State of the Unions? ...My husband is a federal law enforcement officer under the Department of Homeland Security. He is working without pay. So yes, this directly impacts my family -- thankfully we are not at food bank lines. We do not have to drive as many are trying to do now. As much as I never thought that I would see the day I was enjoying Pelosi as Speaker of the House, I think what she is doing, to Karen's point, it's right. The government is not open. We are not going to give you your pomp and circumstance and political theater so you can go on and on and do whatever you want to do while hundreds of thousands of federal workers are suffering...

Most outside of the DC area don't care about the State of the Union. He has yet in all of this back and forth mentioned the hundreds of thousands of families who are suffering. The millions of federal contractors who will not get their money back even though federal workers will eventually. It doesn't matter. It is in a very narcissistic way and Pelosi said we are not going -- not going to do it.

He was basically daring her to disinvite him, writing there are no security concerns, therefore, I will be honoring your fulfilling duty to deliver, blah, blah, blah. She suggested they postpone it ...alluded to other concerns.

And also because having suffered through four or five States of the Union as we talked about, it is not just about the members of Congress. Can I make one other point on this? I think if the president tries to give a State of the Union address anywhere other than the House it sends the strongest message about the actual State of the Union when people are not working. I think part of the reason he is hurting in the polls is he has not shown empathy.

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