Since Mark Harris made the very wise decision not to run for North Carolina's 9th District's Congressional seat, one might deduce he's beginning to come to his senses. You'd be wrong. Look no further than his chosen successor for Republican candidate in that race...Stony Rushing.
Yeah, this guy not only dresses like Boss Hogg for Halloween, he dresses like him to campaign. Then he shares pictures of himself on his official Facebook page like this, pulling quotes from the gross misogynistic article that compare Dan McReady (his Democratic opponent) to a little girl. Now, you and I know little girls are awesome and badass, but for some reason, Stony Rushing thinks this is an insult. (Sorry, kids. Not gonna link to that article. You can use your skills to find it if you want to.)

If this is not enough evidence to convince you Rushing is a the poster boy of the Republican Evil Villain Bingo, there is this new morsel from Judd Legum, of Popular Information. Apparently, Rushing filed a lawsuit on behalf of his daughter, against a woman for stalking, molestation, and assault. Guess what, though? He made it up. He is the one who'd had an affair with the woman, and even considered ending his marriage to be with her.
I'll let Legum do it.
Yeah, I'm gonna take a pass on hearing about all his sexcapades from virginity loss to present day, thanks. But isn't it great to know the GOP continues to make a caricature of itself with candidates like these?